Online abstract submissions will be open from March 1st, 2021 to October 15th, 2021 . All submissions will be reviewed by the conference Co-chairs and acceptance will be based on its contributions to theory, research and/or implications for practice for service management. By submitting an abstract, at least one of the authors agrees to attend QUIS17 if the work is accepted. SUBMIT MY ABSTRACT
Authors must provide author details and supply a structured abstract on the Online Abstract submission form, set out under 4-8 sub-headings:
- Purpose and motivation for the study (mandatory)
- Methodology (mandatory)
- Findings (mandatory)
- Research limitations (if applicable)
- Academic implications (if applicable)
- Practical implications (if applicable)
- Social implications (if applicable)
- Originality/value (mandatory)
Maximum 500 words in total is strongly recommended. Please refer to Author Guideline carefully before submitting an abstract.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by October 31st 2021. Authors of accepted abstracts must submit either an extended abstract (minimum 5 pages following QUIS17 template) or a complete paper (maximum 10 pages following QUIS17 template) by November 30th, 2021 to be included in the QUIS17 proceedings.
You can find additional information and the template here.
BEST PAPER AWARD: All complete papers submitted for QUIS17 Proceedings will automatically be considered for the Best Paper Award competition for the conference. Special issues with selected papers from QUIS17 will be published in: Journal of Service Management, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly and Tourism Review.
If you have any questions, please contact the QUIS17:

Hanken School of Economics, Finland

Editor of Cornell Hospitality Quarterly | Cornell University, USA

Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain